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Wednesday AF, 14 June 2023

Daily Mindset

“Champions don’t blame the tools they’ve been given. Champions sharpen them.”

Abraham Lincoln once wrote that if he had six hours to cut down a tree, he would spend the first four sharpening the axe.

It doesn’t matter where you started, or even where you’ve been. All that matters is two questions. Where do you want to go, and how hard are you willing to work to get there? We have what we need. Everyone does. The separation comes down to who is willing to do the work.

Never whine.

Never complain.

Never make excuses.

First, STRENGTH: 1RM Bench Press!

Second, Metcon: "Point Break"

AMRAP 3 x 4 Rounds:

75 Double Unders

15 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35)'s

Max Gymnastics Reps

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Chest to Bars: 1 Point

Bar Muscle-ups: 2 Points

Ring Muscle-ups: 3 Points

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