Friday, 19July2024AF
Daily Mindset
8 ways to develop mental strength and resilience.
Building mental toughness is a process, not an event. It's about developing and maintaining healthy mental habits. Here is the third of eight strategies to help you with your mental strength:
Set realistic goals!
Setting clear, realistic goals is another crucial strategy for building mental strength. Plans give us a sense of direction and purpose. They motivate us to take action and provide a benchmark for determining whether we're making progress. However, ensuring that our goals are achievable and aligned with our values and aspirations is essential.
Metcon for Friday:
Now now don't get too excited but we're gonna build up to a heavy set of 20 Front Squats.. yep
and then..
Power Cleans (95/65)
Front Squats (95/65)
Time Cap: 15 Minutes