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Wednesday, 10 Noverbender 2021



Mechanics. . . Consistency. . . THEN Intensity

We want to work hard when we train but never at the expense of form and technique!

Let’s make sure we are always crushing the fundamentals of form and technique THEN adding weight, speed, or intensity!

Metcon for all classes:


Part One:

[AMRAP 8]:

Bike Calories

Rest 2 Minutes

*Score = Total Bike Calories

Part Two:

[AMRAP 8]:

1 Rope Climb (15')

10 Double Unders

1 Rope Climb (15')

20 Double Unders

1 Rope Climb (15')

30 Double Unders


Add 10 Double Unders Every Round

Rest 2 Minutes

*Score = Total Reps

Part Three:

[8 Minute Window]:

Establish 5RM Deadlift

*Score = Heaviest Load

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