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Tuesday, 05 Sept 23AF

Daily Mindset

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me, and I’ll learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

The musician doesn’t learn by listening. The musician learns, by playing. It’s how the mind, in its ever plastic state, adapts. It responds to application.

In the “Cone of Learning” (Edgar Dale), we learn:

10% of what we read.

20% of what we hear.

30% of what we see.

50% of what we hear and see.

70% of what we say and write.

90% of what we actually participate in.

Information without application, is knowledge.

Information with application, is wisdom.

Today's METCON: "Part Time"

For Time:

300 Double Unders

2 Mile Run

100 Toes to Bar

* Partition However You'd Like

Time Cap: 30 Minutes

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