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Thursday, 28 May 2020

"Reverse Psychology"

5 Rounds For Time: 30 Reverse Lunges 20 Shuttle Runs 10 Toes to Bar



  • This triplet workout is all about building work capacity

  • With two simple movements and one low-rep, higher-skill movement, you'll be able to keep moving forward for all 5 rounds with little to no breaks

  • We expect this workout to take around 15 minutes to complete; roughly 1 minute per station


  • You'll step back for these lunges and alternate legs each rep

  • There is no weight for this station - you'll just use your bodyweight

  • The back knee should touch the ground in the bottom

  • Reach full extension at the top before switching legs

  • You'll complete 15 reps on each leg per round


  • Set cones or mark two lines 10 meters (32ft.) apart for this station

  • Every time 1 point of your body touches behind this marker, count 1 rep

  • You'll complete 20 shuttle runs or 200 meters total


  • While this can be a challenging movement, the reps are designed to be fairly low here

  • Choose a number or variation that you can complete with 1 break max per round

  • See below for movement subs


60 Seconds Seconds Shuttle Runs (Easy) 45 Seconds Seconds Active Samson 30 Seconds Hollow Hold

60 Seconds Shuttle Runs (Moderate) 45 Seconds Straight Leg Sit-ups 30 Seconds Arch Hold Video

60 Seconds Shuttle Runs 45 Seconds Reverse Lunges 30 Seconds Push-up to Down Dog

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