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Wednesday, 16 Nov 16

1. Warm Up - 15 Minutes

2. Weightlifting - 10 Minutes


Position 1 – High Hang

Position 2 – Low Hang

Position 3 – Floor

With a running clock…

On the 0:00, Set #1 – 50% of 1RM

On the 1:30, Set #2 – 55% of 1RM

On the 3:00, Set #3 – 60% of 1RM

On the 4:30, Set #4 – 60% of 1RM

On the 6:00, Set #5 – 60% of 1RM

3. Metcon - AMRAP 22

22 Wallballs (20/14)

22 Power Snatches (75/55)

22 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

22 Push Presses (75/55)

22 Calorie Row

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