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Monday, 14 Nov 16

1. Warm Up

2. Weightlifting CLEAN + HANG CLEAN

Every 1:30 for 5 Sets: 1 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean

Set #1 – 60% of 1RM Clean

Set #2 – 65% of 1RM Clean

Set #3 – 70% of 1RM Clean

Set #4 – 73% of 1RM Clean

Set #5 – 76% of 1RM Clean

Take an additional 6:00 to build to a heavy complex for the day.

No more than 3 attempts.

Remember that a heavy is not a max.

3. Metcon - For Time:

12 CTB Pull-Ups, 12 Toes to Bar, 12 Pull-Ups

9 CTB Pull-Ups, 9 Toes to Bar, 9 Pull-Ups

6 CTB Pull-Ups, 6 Toes to Bar, 6 Pull-Ups

*Every time you come off the pull-up bar, complete 30 Double-Unders (2:1 singles)

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