Monday.. yep AF, 12 September 2022
“The soul is like a bowl of water.” - Epictetus
It’s ok to get ruffled sometimes.
We are indeed human, and we will get emotional too.
The analogy that Epictetus depicts for us is that even though we can be rocked, knocked around, shaken… through disciplined stillness, we can *always* find emotional stability. The visual is quite relatable: a bowl of water, disturbed from some event, has ripples running throughout it. It’s not at rest.
But with disciplined focus and effort, we can regain stillness. Often faster than we think.
In the moments where we are most shaken, remind ourselves of this visual. No matter how bad things get, everything is recoverable.
Metcon for the BADDEST BAMFs there is..
"4-Wheel Drive"
5 Rounds x AMRAP 4:
21/15 Calorie Bike
15 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")
Max Shuttle Runs (10 Meters)
Rest 4 Minutes
*Score = Total Shuttle Runs