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Wednesday, 27 May 2020

"Five Below"

AMRAP 5: Buy-In: 100 Double Unders Into Max Rounds: 6 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees 12 Dumbbell Front Squats (50's/35's)

Rest 5 Minutes

AMRAP 5: Buy-In: 100 Double Unders Into Max Rounds: 6 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees 9 Dumbbell Thrusters (50's/35's)

Rest 5 Minutes

AMRAP 5: Buy-In: 100 Double Unders Into Max Rounds: 6 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees 6 Dumbbell Clusters (50's/35's)





  • 5 Minutes on and 5 minutes off in today's fast paced intervals

  • With rest built in, we're looking to bring the effort with each round

  • After completing an initial buy-in of double unders, which only happen once, you'll move into max rounds of lateral dumbbell burpees and a dumbbell movement

  • Your score for each AMRAP will be the total rounds and reps of lateral burpees and dumbbell movements

  • Your final score will be: 1st AMRAP Rounds & Reps + 2nd AMRAP Rounds & Reps + 3rd AMRAP Rounds & Reps


  • You won't return to the double unders after completing the listed work in each AMRAP

  • To make sure we have enough time for the scored portion of the workout, let's cap this station at 2 minutes

  • Choose a rep number or variation from "subs" that will allow you to accomplish this


  • Each dumbbell movement involves a squatting pattern

  • As the reps decrease, the complexity of the movement will increase

  • We move from 12 front squats, to 9 thrusters, to 6 clusters (squat clean thrusters)

  • This should be a load that allows you to complete at least 9 clusters unbroken when fresh

  • Within the workout, we're looking to complete each movement with 1 break max

  • Click Here to see a demo of the dumbbell cluster


  • You'll jump over 1 of the 2 dumbbell for the lateral dumbbell burpees

  • The feet should pass over the handle of the bell on the jump

  • Setting the hips up far enough forward in the burpee can be helpful with this

  • You can jump or step up out of the burpee

  • There is no need to stand to full extension on the jump over


30 Seconds Single Unders 30 Seconds Lateral Squats 30 Seconds Active Spidermans

30 Seconds Single Unders 30 Seconds Slow Air Squats 30 Seconds Mountain Climbers

30 Seconds Single Unders 30 Seconds Air Squats 30 Seconds Frog Hops

30 Seconds Single Unders 30 Seconds Goblet Squats 30 Seconds Slow Burpees

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