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Tuesday, 01 March 2022


Insufficient Sleep and Food Cravings

1) We produce our own “endocannabinoids” which increase food cravings

2) Insufficient sleep increases our production and release of our natural endocannabinoids by up to 20%% increasing hunger levels by up to 30%

3) We eat 300-400 extra calories a day when we get insufficient sleep

4) Even if you are doing this during the week, it could be upwards of 6,000 calories extra a month

Metcon for All Classes


For Time [35 Minute Cap]:

50 Shoulder to Overhead (115/85)

3,000 Meter Row

100 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")

Partition However You'd Like

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout


For Time [35 Minute Cap]:

50 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)

3,000 Meter Row

100 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")

Partition However You'd Like

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout


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