Wednesday, 17 January 2023
Daily Mindset
“It doesn’t matter when we start.
It doesn’t matter where we start.
All that matters is that we start.”
If you’re human, you’ve felt the burn of waiting too long.
Felt the pain of a missed opportunity, not due to action, but mis-action.
It is wise of us to recognize that it is a human condition to await the better setup. It is our nature to be risk-averse. We want safety, and guaranteed results. Yet the unfortunate guarantee there is that we’ll wake tomorrow in the same place we are today… if not worse.
Just start.
Whatever it is, you’re not too old. You’re not too young. You’re not too busy, too poor, too unprepared. You’re not too tired, too uneducated, and you’re not too weak. You’re ready. The perfect time is now.
Metcon for Tuesday: "Ungraceful"
On the Minute x 10:
30 Double Unders / 45 Singles
Max Clean & Jerks (135/95)